Sunday, January 18, 2009

Last Reunion Post...For Reals!

So...Brit had more priceless photos on her camera of this blessed, eventful reunion I felt were vital to proper documentation.

Fave sis-in-law...lookin' sexy!

Brit and Echo

Brit and Brooke...keeping warm.

I LOVE this shot of Landon!

Fun at the water trapeze park.

Apparently, we were all overjoyed at the same moment...except for Lad.

....and toned down a bit :)

Lanny and Brooke!

Echo tries to hold on and takes Brit's shorts with her. Ha!

So...we (Sal, Brooke, Brit) promised on our LIVES to Ian and Lad (see bottom left) that if they went down on the tube with us, it would be SO FUN and we would make sure they didn't even get wet. Ha! They were hyper-concerned about worst case scenarios (esp. Ian...due to a near-death experience on the same river two years ago). We promised and promised....first rapid of the river we totally capsize. Tube flips. Everyone goes under. For a short second I felt genuine panic to make sure they were okay. Yay for life jackets! I think Ian (and his life jacket) actually kept my head above water. We felt horrible!
Epilogue...they quickly forgot and still love us!

Morgan and Brooke

Remi and Lance

Mmmm! Boy! Self-portrait extraordinaire!

Gorgeous Tosh!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Reunion: Day Two!

My intent is to catch up so that I can post "current" photos. Yeah. That's the goal. :) we go...a million more photos from the family reunion!

My first photo of the morning...precious!

Preparing for a treacherous day braving wild rapids.

Pretty Britty!

Echo grew up faster than even she realized.

Our bath.

I love this child...even if she picks her nose...

...and tries to make me eat it.

28 Years! Good job Mama!

Mmmm! Sum Bum! You are one hot, sexy mama-to-be!

Faith and Summer...dolls!

Gramps and Brooke

...and the one who started it all. Oh Grandma!

Ethan...I think this is right before I shared my cupcake with him....judging by the look of longing. Ha!
Chandler...I love!

Echo expresses what we are all thinking...Cleavage!?...Who knew?!

Beach Babes!

Pre-Protein Shakes and Pre-Serious Gym for update...

Yep...she even makes floating down a muddy river on a lime green tube look glam.

Someone call Guinness.

Brit will save you, little one.

Victims of crazy, wild rapids.

Sally channels Miley.



Ammon makes eye contact! Yay!

Ethan scopes the horizon before riding off on Skunk, his trusty steed.

I don't remember what game they were playing, but what was I doing taking pictures.

Tide's final frontier.

Shad, Brit, Dad, Faith, Brooke, Sally

I love this pic. Thanks Mom!

Carries you down the river AND babysits your kids. Brilliant!

The towel turban is what really makes this pic priceless...sorry Brit.